At you’ll find reagents designed for use in your life science research, whether you need to isolate DNA or RNA, determine cell viability or signaling, gain metabolic assay insights, run a reporter bioassay or isolate nucleic acid from wastewater.
Did you know that we also create unique custom reagents? Whether you’re looking for an extra-large size of a compound, a unique type of packaging or package labeling, or a reagent or assay target that’s unique to your project, Promega custom reagents can help.
What Types of Custom Reagents Are Available?
We currently supply custom-made reagents in the areas of amplification, bioluminescence, nucleic acid purification, protein analysis and protein purification. See this Promega Custom Products and Technologies web page for details.
Need a unique master mix for your amplification reaction? This short video provides examples of how we can customize an amplification master mix.
Need a bioluminescent assay or a made-for-you bioluminescent cell line? Watch this video to see how it works.
Accelerate Time to Market
Why work with a custom reagent provider? Simply, it can decrease your development time, helping get faster results and your product to market sooner. This GEN article describes several companies that have used custom manufactured products to more quickly achieve their goals.
What to Look for in a Custom Product Partner
Before ordering a custom product, it’s important to consider the partnership. How do you choose the right partner for your custom product needs?
At Promega we offer scientific expertise, consulting and technical support, the ability to manufacture to cGMP requirements and certification to ISO standards to ensure quality of your custom product. In addition, we provide solid logistics support, ensuring on-time delivery of your custom shipment, to any location worldwide.
Need more information? This white paper has details about what to look for in a manufacturing partner.
How Does it Work?
When you’re ready to discuss your custom reagent needs, call, chat or email to connect with our scientists about your project, and reagent or assay needs and timelines. Then we build and deliver the reagents/assays. This article provides a quick overview of the process.
Alternatively, if you need us to run the assays and provide results, we also perform assay optimization and qualification services to facilitate downstream validation studies in your laboratory or with a contract research organization (CRO) partner. We are here to help!
Get in Touch
Contact us to discuss your particular custom reagent needs with our experts. You can communicate with us by providing some information or live chatting from this page or by contacting Promega Technical Services.
We look forward to supporting your research!

Kari Kenefick