Summer Friday Fun Blog: Science Humor

It is the start of summer here in Wisconsin, so it’s time for some Friday Fun (#FridayFun) blog posts on Promega Connections. To kick us off, I have scraped the internet for a few good and groaner, G-rated science jokes.

So, here it goes, a few jokes to send you smiling (or shaking your head) into your weekend.

Has anyone read the book on antigravity? I hear you can’t put it down.
Has anyone read the book on anti-gravity? I hear you can’t put it down.







A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, “No, I’m traveling light.”
A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, “No, I’m traveling light.”









Why is the pH of YouTube very stable? It constantly buffers.
Why is the pH of YouTube very stable? It constantly buffers.









And a few more…

What do you call an educated tube? A graduated cylinder.

If Schrodinger’s cat walks into a bar…is it there?

Argon walks into a bar. The Barman says “I’m sorry, we don’t serve Noble gases in here.” Argon doesn’t react.

Science Fact: If you took all of the veins from your body and laid them end to end…you would die.

Most of these were on several web sites, with no attribution to the originator of the jokes, and a few of them go back light years to my college days. Do you have a favorite science joke? Share it in the comments.

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Michele Arduengo

Michele Arduengo

Supervisor, Digital Marketing Program Group at Promega Corporation
Michele earned her B.A. in biology at Wesleyan College in Macon, GA, and her PhD through the BCDB Program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA where she studied cell differentiation in the model system C. elegans. She taught on the faculty of Morningside University in Sioux City, IA, and continues to mentor science writers and teachers through volunteer activities. Michele manages the digital marketing program team at Promega.

One thoughtful comment

  1. I love a good science joke! Argon happens to be my favorite element, and your joke really tickled me! Argon slogans can also be really funny, I have a collection of them over at my site, that you should take a look at. Let me know what you think: Argon Slogans

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