Back to school! We’re experiencing a cold snap this week, and my kids are complaining that it shouldn’t be this cold on the last week of summer! I agree, but I’m so excited that school is back! I’m a full-time working mom, but the stresses of summer are hard. My kids aren’t on schedules, there is always some party/event/BBQ, and trying to fit in a summer vacation. I’m tired just thinking about it! Especially in Wisconsin, where we don’t have the best weather in the winter so we try to soak it all up in the summer.
As we are getting back into routines, I’m working on setting up some ground rules so our school year isn’t as hectic this year as previous years. Summer has been a free for all at our house, so the adjustment might be rough, but my kids do much better on routines.
Our rules:
- Limit screen time. We have NEVER instituted a limit (I know, bad mom moment). This will change this year. I’m thinking 30 to 60 minutes a day – either iPad, TV or computer time.
- Limit activities. We were so over scheduled last year that we had something almost every single night. Kids need downtime and must be able to live in a world that they aren’t on the go all the time.
- Say no. We get invited to lots of things and I always have said yes, then regret it later or am stressed about how we will make it work. If you don’t think you can go to something, it’s ok to say no. People will still invite you next time.
- Read to my kids every night before bed. We had this in place with our first, and somewhat with our 2nd. Our 3rd child came around and the poor thing gets a book every once in a while. They LOVE this routine.
- Stop looking at my phone. I’m so guilty of this. I used to think sitting by them while they are doing something while I play Candy Crush or Words with Friends is spending time with them. Nope. Not at all. I need to interact with them. Maybe I need a screen time limit too?
- Enjoy them. They won’t stay young for long. Even with the stresses of parenthood, and work, and life…..they make it all worthwhile.
Only a couple days left of summer….let’s make the most of it!

Sarah Dewbre

Latest posts by Sarah Dewbre (see all)
- Back to school! - August 26, 2015
- Spring Break Staycation - March 20, 2015
- Tips for a Social Media User - October 20, 2014