Beyond April: Sustaining Momentum in Sexual Assault Awareness and Action  

This guest blog post is written by Tara Luther, Sr. Marketing Specialist, Genetic Identity at Promega.

April 2024 marked the 23rd anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in the United States. While we have crossed into May, the importance of what SAAM stands for does not diminish with the changing of the calendar. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) emphasizes that SAAM is a time to not only draw attention to the prevalence of sexual assault, but to also educate individuals and communities about how to prevent sexual violence. 

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Getting What You Want from Your Science Writing Part II: Do the Math

Girl solving math problems. Science writing requires doing some math.

You may be asked to write information that involves calculations or statistics. Check and recheck your math. Consider this slogan on a bottle of grape soda:

Two liters, 50% More than One Liter!

Although it’s easy to shake our heads and lament the prevalence of such “marketing math” in our society, these errors are easy to make.

Continue reading “Getting What You Want from Your Science Writing Part II: Do the Math”