Hiring Undergraduates and Recent Graduates in these Unprecedented Times

Today’s guest blog was written in collaboration with Melissa Martin, a former global marketing intern with Promega. She is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she is double majoring in zoology and life sciences communication, with a certificate in environmental studies.

Image: a young woman at a computer. Recent graduates may have transcripts and resumes that look different because of their pandemic experience

Writing to PIs and hiring managers is a new experience for me, and one that is interesting to reflect upon as I will soon be graduating college and pursuing a career myself. I think it is important that PIs and potential employers understand my fellow undergraduates and recent graduates. This is crucial to ensure that they can find a fitting job for themselves, while employers also benefit by hiring an individual that will fit in to the work environment and make positive contributions.

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Four Tips to Stand Out in Your Job Search

Finding a job can be one of the most daunting tasks someone can take on. It seems like every time I browse the headlines or scroll through my LinkedIn feed, I read about another massive layoff or a stagnant market. But don’t lose all faith—there are jobs out there!

A cartoon rendering of a job applicant celebrating their success on top of a podium.

Whether you are a recent grad, were just laid off or are looking for a career change, the following tips can help turn your job search nightmare into a job search success story. All of my suggestions can be boiled down to one message—PREPARE! Don’t go out into the job market without doing your due diligence. If you do, you may miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

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Lessons Learned From A Mediocre Résumé

A crumpled piece of paperWhen I think back to the résumé and cover letter that I submitted when I applied for my first real job, frankly, I am a bit surprised that I got an interview. I think I was qualified for the job as Promega Technical Services Scientist, but honestly, my résumé and cover letter were unequivocally and unapologetically mediocre. Looking back now, with eight years of editing experience under my belt, I can think of quite a few things that I would have done differently. Of course, I must have done a few things right too, or my résumé would have gone straight into the bin, and I would have never been interviewed. I am sharing my experiences so that you can learn from my mistakes.
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