World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Wellness in the Workplace

Celebrated annually on October 10th, World Mental Health Day provides an opportunity for people and communities to improve knowledge, raise awareness, and mobilize efforts in support of mental health.

Many people find that working is beneficial for their mental health. Having a job can help provide financial stability, establish a structured routine, improve one’s sense of identity, and more. However, at times your work may negatively impact your mental health and vice versa. Read some tips on how you can enhance your workplace well-being and cultivate a happier professional life.

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The Power of Pet Ownership

International Pet Day, observed each year on April 11th, provides the purrfect opportunity to reciprocate all the labored love and affection our pets so freely give us. There’s no doubt that our furry, feathered, and scaley friends greatly improve our quality of life. But did you know there are benefits to this human-animal bond beyond their incredible cuteness? Read about some of the paw-some science-approved benefits that can come with pet ownership.

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What Have You Done for Your Emotional Wellness, This Month? 

Most of us are familiar with the term wellness. We associate wellness with lifestyle practices such as exercising, having a balanced diet, and taking care of our bodies. As significant as these practices are to live long, healthy lives, there’s a critical component of wellness that is often overlooked, emotional wellness. 

The National Center for Emotional Wellness defines emotional wellness as, “An awareness, understanding and acceptance of our feelings, and our ability to effectively manage through challenges and change.” Maintaining a healthy emotional balance helps us form better relationships with peers, make healthier lifestyle choices, and empower people through life’s unexpected changes. October, Emotional Wellness Month, is the perfect reminder to take time out for your brain and make steps towards effectively managing your emotions.

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