There and Back Again: Part II (Cairns, Australia)

In 2014, Promega created a special incentive to reward field science consultants who help the scientific community take advantage of the our on-site stocking program. The winners had to meet ambitious criteria to receive 2 round-trip tickets to anywhere in the world, a week of paid vacation and spending money. Our four winners from 2014 will share photos and stories about their journeys in a semi-regular Friday feature on the Promega Connections Blog.

Today’s travelogue is Part II of the adventures of Mica Zaragoza, a senior client rep, who used his award to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

Cairns, Australia

24254847-Aussie-Kiwi-1Jumping from down South to way up North, the city of Cairns seems like a touristy beach town, sporting a laid-back feel with lots of cafes, pubs, and restaurants.  The locals drop the hard ‘R’s in most words, making the name of the city hit the ear more like “cans”.  Popping into town, we stopped by the city center and soaking pools along the Esplanade to relax.

With the Esplanade pools right next to the shoreline, I asked one of the locals why no one went swimming in the ocean. The answer was simple: underwater mangroves, mudflats, and saltwater crocs… more on that later. Continue reading “There and Back Again: Part II (Cairns, Australia)”